
swap madnesssss and DST

Let me first tell you about daylight savings time...Ever since Saturday 11 p.m. I have been discombobulated because it was suddenly Sunday morning, since then I have been looking at the clock much like a zombie looks at a brain asking myself "Is this thing right?!" Even though I am sure I have switched every clock in the house...Paranoia. Eventually I'll adjust, but for now I will keep my eye on those tricky clocks.

Swap madness has reached it's peak! I am currently involved in 4 swaps on my favorite site of all time (craftster.org) and I have been crazy crafting since, so lots of projects will be posted soon enough.

Swap 1: IKEA Malma Mirror-Done! ( finally!)
Swap 2: One Tiny Thing- Done!
Swap 3: Friendshipghan Rd 11- 4/10 squares
Swap 4: Pin Cushion Swap- 50% done

Swap one was a bit difficult because I kept changing my mind and went through a couple mirrors before true inspiration struck (when I actually found my original idea's item that I was dotting over and the reason it wouldn't work out) and I totally love the finished project. The second swap was easy-peasy since I already had a general idea of what I was going to do and once I got my partners info I finished pretty quickly, it turned out so cute I want to keep it for myself! Swap number 3 is coming along swimmingly, I work on the squares while watching old re-runs of The Lucy Show... and the fourth needs complete silence and concentration so it is definitely a morning craft even though I want to work on it so badly, I have put so much time into it I don't want to risk screwing it up. I can't wait to post my goodies!
<3 W


Whisp3rd said...

I'm in the friendshipghan swap too and I cannot wait when we can start seeing afghans being completed and being posted on the galleries!

I've got aways to go with 108 squares and only 20 something actually made.

Wendy said...

Wow, your blanket is going to be huge! I am wanting to make mine 64 X 64

Whisp3rd said...

I hope you mean inches lol

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