
steampunky dino

This is kinda late :). My partner for the IKEA mirror swap received quite a bit ago. I spent an obscene amount of time on the pain, I also learned a new technique for texturing. It's very simple and only has a few steps to make something wood look distressed and ridgy. And you don't have to buy supplies ( if you have white elmer glue on hand)! Basically:
you sand down the wood (optional) paint it a darker color than what you want the top coat to be,
let it dry, then you mix 10% water with elmers glue, sponge it on in the direction of the grain of the wood, let dry, then you paint it a shade lighter, let dry and then seal/glaze (optional)
The results!:


The whole thing:

My partner likes steampunk so I went with the gear theme, I really love the final results, my only tiny thing I dislike was the way the sealer/gloss set kinda gloopy, next time I will be thining it down with water. ( excuse the dirty mirror I took these pictures before I cleaned it up.)

I also made this little dino with some left over polymer clay, this is my first really made object...


For scale:

His new home on my books:

His little bow is also made out of purple polymer. I think he came out cute minus his burnt feets. <3

<3 W


Whisp3rd said...

I was so wanting to participate in the swap but I had some personal issues.

The mirror is great, and I'm not a big steampunk fan. I'm sure your partner loved it?
It's a good thing the only negative doesn't affect the overall appeal of the FO.

The little dino is very cute. And the little bow is perfect!

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